Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Brrr! It's Cold Outside


 Hello Friends & Welcome Back
to another fun challenge here at the Sisterhood of Crafters!

Our theme today is:

Brrr!  It's Cold Outside!

  Let's see what the Sistahs have created to help inspire you:






 FABULOUS inspiration ladies!!!

Remember you can find more details on the teams creations by clicking on their name and going to their personal blogs.  Please pop on over and share what you love about their projects.

Now it's YOUR turn and we look forward to seeing what you create!

You will have until Sunday, February 5th to enter.
Winners will be announced on Tuesday, February 7th.
For your convenience, here's a quick review of our Rules:
  • No back linking ... only new creations.
  • Three (3) entry limit.
  • You can share with as many other challenges as you'd like.
  • Must follow the challenge theme to qualify for the prize (when one is available).
  • Direct link to your challenge entry ... not your entire blog.
  • Link back to our challenge in your blog post.
  • We would really appreciate it if you would turn OFF the word verification.

most of all ... HAVE FUN!!






Beebeebabs said...

Very nice work DT

Lea Paige said...

Ik wil iedereen hier die op zoek is naar een lening aanraden om contact op te nemen met de heer Pedro en zijn leningmaatschappij om een lening te krijgen tegen een zeer laag tarief van 2%, ik ben zo dankbaar omdat ik nu een bedrijfseigenaar ben met 5 werknemers die werken in mijn bedrijf.
Neem nu contact op met Pedro via e-mail om toegang te krijgen tot uw lening.