Wednesday, April 24, 2013

It's a FREE FOR ALL . . .

Hi everyone, Micki here.
Can you believe the month of April is almost over and believe it or not, but here in the Midwest (Kansas-Missouri) we had a forecast of snow.  Temperatures have been all over the board and that seems to drain the energy as well as creative mojo right out of me. One of the reasons that I've been absent for the last couple of challenges.
The best crafting motivator for me (besides being the hostess) is to just get in my craft room and just get inky with no thought about theme, color, embellishments or do's and don'ts and that is this is the PERFECT challenge because it's a
So grab your supplies and get into the crafting groove with us!  

To start the inspiration, check out what the Sistah's came up with:

Now it's your turn.  Can't wait to see what you guys create!

You have until noon on Sunday, May 5th to link up your creations and the winners will be announced on May 7th.

Please remember to follow these few simple rules:
No backlinking
Three (3) entry limit
Must follow challenge theme to qualify for prize (when one is available)
Direct link to your challenge entry ... not your entire blog


Gail said...

Thank you for another challenge -thanks DT for inspiration - enjoy

Beth F. said...

Great projects! The Eucharist card is amazing!

Chris said...

Mr. Linky isn't working for me. Here's my card for your challenge

If I get a chance I'll it again, but so far I tried it twice with no luck.

CraftyGirl said...

Lovely challenge as always and great inspiration from the Team. See you next time!!! Thanks again! :-)



Unknown said...

Oh NO!!! My Linky won't work! I tried to link last night and this morning. Would like to include my card in your challenge:


An Occasional Genius said...

Fabulous inspirations from the DT x

Chris said...

Still can't get Mr. Linky to work. I have another cards.

thanks for the challenge. I appreciate all the hard work you do.

Julia said...

Fab creations by DT!

Sarah said...

Thanks for another wonderful challenge. Awesome inspiration from the DT!

Karen P said...

Fab DT creations and thanks for a fab challenge too! hugs Karen

Kathi said...

Great inspiration by your team. Thanks for a fun challenge!

Deonna B said...

I can't get Mr. Linky to work for me today either. Here is my Card

Ellen Taylor said...

Awesome dt cards! Thanks for the challenge!

Deonna B said...

Mr. Linky will not allow me to enter anything. It's driving me Crazy. Here is my card.

An'Jenic G. said...

Lots of pretty creations by the DT. New follower of blog and bloglovin.


Planetsusie said...

Thank you for posting this challenge and for the creations from the DT.

Hugs Sue Pxxx

nancyparker55 said...

Love your site. Adding your badge to my blog.

Benzi said...

Super creations from the DT. Thanks for a wonderful challenge.

Unknown said...

Can't get Mr. Linky to work. My card is:

Roxx.T Barnes said...

Wow! I have never played in a challenge where there were 325 entries!Love your ART work on all your cards and art journal. Inspiring work!

Cathy said...

I have tried several times to link up but Mr. Linky is not working for me. Here is my card.

Diana Lynn Martin said...

Awesome DT creations! Thanks for a super fun challenge!

Diana :)
Leelee Card Designs