Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Family, Faith, Remembrance

This week's focus is on family with a theme that is All About Family/Faith - Remembrance. This can be a sympathy card, heritage page, remember when, or just one of your favorite memories. I am all about the heritage pages and memory albums. I have been so fortunate to have been gifted with some of the most beautiful vintage photos of my ancestors and I have a deep rooted love of genealogy and where I come from.  I have been blessed with two fathers in my life - the one who helped create me and the one who is my dad and raised me. I have researched my adoptive father's family back to England and having sailed in to this country at it's dawning.  I have been so excited to have found several stories written by his ancestor's during their travels from the East Coast across the prairies and mountains to settle along the Snake River in Idaho. One of my favorite stories is how my Grandmother would put cream in the butter churn and set it on the back of the wagon on their pioneering journey and the bumping of the wagon would churn the cream to butter without her having to lift a paddle. 

On my mother's side I am from a long line of Russian/German and Polish immigrants as well as Scottish. What a mix eh? lol My Scottish grandmother married my immigrant German grandfather.....oooh the tempers! I was so fortunate to have found my great-great-grandmother's immigrant passage on a boat to Galveston Texas and a picture of her when she was a child around the time she sailed. These are some of my treasures. And since we just celebrated Holocaust Remembrance Day this project is in honor of her and her family that fled through Russia on a boat to Galveston, Texas to settle as farmers in Kansas in the early 1900's.

I hope that you will share your 'remembrance' with us as well would love to get to know you better and you have got to check out what the Sisters have prepared for you this week. Be sure to visit each Sister and check out their stories behind their projects as well.

 The page above is of my great-great Grandmother whose family landed at Plymouth Rock. The handwritten note at the bottom of the page was her Will, leaving my mother one of her most prized possessions - her watch.
The page above was from some photo postcards that my great-great Grandmother wrote while on holiday at the lake. I just love that I have her handwriting along with the picture of her and my great-great Aunt.

Please be sure to add your projects below using the Handsome Mr. Linky!


Micki said...

Wow girls..... you guys rock. I really wanted to join in this challenge but time got away from me (what else is new, right?).

Awesome projects girls.... luv ya

TannyP said...

You're amazing - all of you! Such a talented group! Boni, those are fabulous pages =)
Unfortunately, I'm with Micki...

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

Oh sisters, you have so inspired me to do more on this topic. Your layouts and cards are so touching! Love ya, sisters!
Kim xXx