
Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Create Your Own Background Winners . . .

Hello Everyone!
Oh my goodness ... I have learned so many new tips & techniques
for creating backgrounds from all of you amazingly talented crafters
who entered our challenge!  Thanks SO MUCH!

Choosing Top 3 and a Winner was no easy task
but I did my best and here ya go . . .

Those chosen as our TOP 3 are:

card 1

Please be sure to grab your TOP 3 badge from our
sidebar to display proudly on your blogs.

and the TOP SISTER 
award goes to:

Please grab your well deserved TOP SISTER 
badge from our sidebar!

Remember to come back tomorrow when Sistah Vickie 
will have a super fun challenge theme to share!
Hope you'll come join in the fun!


  1. Woo hoo! Thanks for picking my card - and for the great challenges and kind comments on all of our cards!! Congrats to Katrina, Birgit and SewPaperPaint too!

  2. Oh my gosh! How exciting!!! Thank you for picking my project in the top three and congrats to the other ladies, what amazing creations!!! <3


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