
Tuesday, January 26, 2016

"Something Old, Something New" WINNERS

Hello everyone! Oh my word, you ladies rocked the "Something Old, Something New" challenge.  I personally loved digging thru my stash and finding some "golden oldies" that got buried. 

Thank you to everyone who took the time to play along with our challenge and post your old and new items.  The only problem is now my Wish list has grown by leaps and bounds by seeing all the products used!!

Now onto the winners.........!! 

In number order here are our TOP 3 SISTERS.  Please grab your badges from the sidebar and display them proudly on your pages.

And our TOP SISTER award goes to...........
 Please grab your badge from the sidebar and display them proudly on your pages.

Congratulations to all our winners.  We really appreciate everyone taking the time to create with us.

Tomorrow starts another fun challenge here at the Sisterhood hosted by our Sistah' Diane. Hope to see you playing along!

Have a great day & Happy Crafting!


  1. Thank you very much :) I'm so happy :)

  2. Wow, thank you so honored to be in top 3. Congrats to everyone! :)

  3. Thank you so much for choosing my card to be your top sister this time. Congrats to all the other winners too. xxx

  4. Thank you so much for choosing my card as one of your Top 3, such a wonderful surprise.


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