
Sunday, March 7, 2010

Introducing Teri-Doodles

Hiya folks!

My name is Teri, not to be confused with our other Terri (with two 'rr's).

We got so confused between us in our gossip group, that I started being called TeriDoodles, so that's what I'm stuck with now - LOL. Not that I mind one bit, 'cause that's what I do - Doodling (oooh, too many doo's here!)

I started crafting when my third child was born, first of all by doing some sketches of my local architecture. I sell cards and momentos in our local Heritage Centre made with these sketches. This inspired me to start cardmaking - and the rest is history - I'm hooked!

I only began blogging last year in May, and I'm addicted to that too. Blame the hubby for that one, he started me in blogland! I have another blog on which I sell my Doodles and Sketches, by the name of Delicious Doodles. You might just get to see a few of my images floating around on this Blog, as my 'sistah's' are kind enough to use them now and again. Oh, and yes, those are my doodlings on the badges here!

I do hope you will join us here with our weekly challenges, which (we hope) will be refreshing and different, and above all, inspirational and FUN!

See you soon for our very first challenge!




  1. Awesome intro Sistah!! And you have the best smile!! This is going to be so much fun!!!

  2. I totally agree with Dar. What? You've only started blogging last year? Get out..... :-).

  3. The date is getting closer - looking forward to the challenges you girls put forward.

  4. Teri,

    I'm looking out for the challenges! The badge you made is so funny and beautiful!!

    Sweet greetings, Saskia :)

  5. I just love my across the ponder Sister! With her funny language and awesome sense of humor!! Not to mention those Doodles of hers!

  6. LAST YEAR?! Are you kidding me?! You're so full of talent, it's a shame you didn't start many moons ago =)

    Your doodles continue to blow me away, Teri!


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